Videos by Hans Decoz


Renowned Master Numerologist Hans Decoz discusses topics such as Master numbers,the Life Path,and others.


Hans Decoz is the author of "Numerology: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny." The book is available on amazon (4.7 stars), and has been translated in German, Dutch, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Russian, and others.

Hans Decoz' new book "Love and Numbers," was published by TarcherPedigee and released February 4, 2025.


Hans Decoz talks about the Life Path.


Life Path

YourLife Pathnumber(sometimes called your Birth Number)is the most important number in your chart.

Watch the video about the Life Path


The Master Numbers, with numerologist Hans Decoz


Master numbers

Master numbershave more potential than other numbers,however,they are also hard to master.

Watch the video about Master numbers


What is Numerology, with numerologist Hans Decoz


What is Numerology

Numerology is the Study of Numbers and How They Affect Us.It reveals a number’s inner nature and vibration,and how they correspond to your personal characteristics.

Watch the video What is Numerology


About Karmic Debt Numbers, with numerologist Hans Decoz


Karmic Debt numbers

To overcome a karmic burden we may need to learn a specific lesson;in numerology,this is called a Karmic Debt.

The numbers that indicatea Karmic Debt are 13,14,16,and 19

Watch the video about Karmic Debt numbers


The Soul Urge, also known as the Heart's Desire number, with numerologist Hans Decoz


Soul Urge(a.k.a.Heart's Desire)

Most people have no trouble recognizing their Soul Urge number;it reveals what makes you happy,where you find contentment,your likes and dislikes,etc.

Watch the video about the Soul Urge


The Core Name Numbers, with numerologist Hans Decoz


Core Name Numbers

YourExpression,Soul Urge,and Personality,are the result of calculations based on your name and reveal qualities you were born with,that are uniquely yours.Think of these core numbers as your numerological DNA.

Watch the video about the Core Name Numbers


The Expression Number, with numerologist Hans Decoz


Expression Number

The Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution,the orientation or goal of your life.Some numerologists refer to it as your Destiny,because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming.

Watch the video about the Expression number


The Great Transition, with numerologist Hans Decoz


The Great Transition

About two decades ago,we ushered in the third millennium-one thousand years where every calendar year starts with a 2.Allow me to explain why this is important,and why it offers a message of peace and hope.

Watch the video about the Great Transition


What Life Is, with numerologist Hans Decoz


What Life Is

When it comes to Life, it appears we have a blind spot; we are unable to think about Life as an actual presence. We think of life forms, and of the time span that fills a lifetime, but we never see it as a presence outside of life forms.

Watch the video about the Great Transition
