Professional Numerology

Professional Numerology requires training and a solid knowledge base.
Numerology; Key To Your Inner Self: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny, available on on amazon - 4.6 out of 5 stars

Hans Decoz: Professional numerologist (since 1981)s, published author, numerology software developer

Deoz is the author of Numerology: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny, published in 1994 and since translated in a dozen languages.

Available on amazon | 4.7 out of 5 stars

Become a Professional Numerologist

For most people, numerology will remain a hobby and a beneficial source of information. However, if you aspire to become a professional numerologist, you will want to practice extensively on friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone else you can find.

But keep in mind that there are responsibilities to this profession that should be taken seriously.

First and foremost, you have to accept the fact that this is not an exact science. It is based on 5,000 years of experience and research, but human beings are incredibly complex and numerology is no more than an attempt to identify and label some of the more visible aspects.

There are countless variables that are too subtle and too hidden to be recognized. Therefore, it is simply not possible for a numerologist to be right 100 percent of the time. For that reason, you will have to be careful with what you say, in order to avoid harming the person who comes to you in good faith, and who may well take your words more literally than you realize.

This is particularly important when you wish to explain weaknesses or shortcomings represented in a person's chart.

You should not avoid mentioning weaknesses, but you should always put them side by side with their positive qualities and talents, and motivate your client to take advantage of those and use them to minimize the influence of their weaker traits.

For example, if your client's chart shows a tendency for low self-esteem, you will want to enhance your client's confidence, and you may well decide that it would be unwise, even harmful, to mention his or her lack of confidence, saying instead: "You have much going for yourself, but you do not give yourself the credit you deserve."


Your job as a professional numerologist is to motivate, inspire, and elevate your client, and offering insight into their personal make-up.

I believe that a numerologist's strongest asset is a true and indiscriminating love for the client.

The client almost always is a person in need of guidance and support. Someone who is happy and content is much less likely to visit a numerologist than a person who is going through a difficult time.

Often, the client who comes to you, experiences pain and confusion; is perhaps even desperate. They are reaching out to a professional in the hope that a person with training and experience will shed some light on their issues and will help them cope, and perhaps even start the healing process.

You may be a stranger to the client, but you will hear intimacies that are in many cases not shared with friends or relatives. You are in a position to help and comfort. You are asked for insight and wisdom, and perhaps you will be able to offer some. But more important is the opportunity to spiritually embrace the person, to touch the heart, to replace desperation with hope, and to inspire faith where there was maybe not much left.

Numerology is a difficult, but intensely rewarding profession.


There is a range of helpful tools you will benefit from. Numerology software allows you to help a wider range of people for a lesser cost. It also helps you gain insight or maintain a logical and more or less linear approach during a consultation.

Books are your best sources for knowledge. Click here for a list of recommended books. (Scroll down the page.)

Finally, you may want to follow our course. It is free, for now, and includes numerous audio lectures.


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Includes your 8-page Reading, Daily Number Forecast + 3 chart programs.

Make them for your friends too!

Numerology App for PC-Windows by Decoz



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