Sun Number 9
© Hans Decoz. All rights reserved.
On a material level this is a good time to get rid of unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore and to pay off old debts.
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On a spiritual and emotional level you will experience a different mode altogether.
Your attention, in most of 2023, should turn to others and their needs, find ways to be of help and give time and energy to worthwhile causes. You must lighten your burden of questions and doubts and the best way to do so is by directing your attention to another direction, away from yourself and you will find yourself becoming lighter and more in touch with yourself.
Problems can be solved and over with, strained relationships relax or disappear, the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt with. Be social and communicative, enjoy music and other arts. Your creativity is higher than usual.
There can be some difficulties this year due to your desire to face obstacles and overcome them, decisions have to be taken and courage and strength may be severely tested several times, this is not going to be an easy year all the time, but you will feel relieved and on the brink of a positive breakthrough by the end of this year.
This is the end of a nine-year epicycle and will you will feel many times the excitement of a new and promising era when optimism is your friend, but you will also experience the fear of letting go, however the more you let go the more room there is to be filled during the next epicycle.
This is the short version of your Numerology Forecast. For a more specific and detailed forecast, we include other cycles, such as Transit and Essence cycles, as well as Personal Monthly cycles. We also include the long-term cycles (Pinnacle and Period Cycles) for your whole life.
Your Personality Profile and Yearly and Monthly Numerology Forecast are included in both the Primary and Full Subscriptions of the World Numerology App.
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Your Yearly Forecast is also available in PDF format delivered to your inbox within minutes.
See also Hans Decoz' 2025 Global Forecast and Predictions
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