Numerology Sun Number 1

The Sun Number 1 in Numerology is all about drive and leadership
What is Numerology; with numerologist Hans Decoz

People with a Sun Number 1 tend to have a stubborn, headstrong approach to changing circumstances.

They often take the bull by the horns with a "damn the torpedoes" attitude. Strong and motivated, 1s are not afraid of confrontations. And at times, 1s can be too impulsive.

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Sun Number 1 has energy to spare, with enough stamina to survive even the toughest times.

However, there is a limit to what they can do, and when a person with Sun Number 1 reaches that limit, they tend to shatter without much advance warning. And once they crash, it takes a long time to pick up the pieces and start the healing.

Sun Number 1s respond quickly, but don't always recognize the true nature of upcoming changes until they have already set things in motion. A 1 should learn to recognize the subtle signs that usually appear ahead of the storm.


Pride can be the downfall of this headstrong number.

Successful Sun Number 1s have learned the need to be humble and remember that much has been given to them.

In love, the Sun Number 1 is passionate, but needs to dominate -- and it has a bit of jealous streak. While the 1 Sun Number is original and creative, it could use a more subtle and romantic approach. The 1 is anything but intuitive and has a tendency to misread his or her partner.


The 1 Sun Number can be quite demanding, yet it is also extremely protective of its partner.

The one trait that is pretty much guaranteed to ruin a relationship with the 1 is when he or she feels a lack of respect or sense that he or she is being taken for granted. Otherwise, the 1 has a thick skull and an even thicker skin. You can be as direct as you want to be -- the 1 can handle it.


The Meaning of the Sun Numbers

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