Numerology Sun Number 8

The Sun Number 8 in Numerology is about power, authority, and balance, it's an excellent business number
What is Numerology; with numerologist Hans Decoz

People with the Sun Number 8 have an authoritarian streak and like to be in charge at all times.

Unfortunately, changes can't always be controlled, and when they feel they don't have control, watch out! They become agitated and angry. An 8 can be aggressive, if not bullish, and they have paid a price for that more than once.

They are capable and smart, and often able to see the larger picture well before anyone else does.

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A sense of balance allows 8s to deal with the material world without the kind of attachment most people are burdened with.

It's this trait that lets 8s take chances and use their assets and resources in a way others might consider too risky. 8s like to get in on the ground floor of new ventures. Sometimes they are too quick and/or optimistic, setting expectations too high and resulting in disappointment. But even these failures can’t sideline an 8 for long.

It is perhaps a bit of a contradiction, but 8s have trouble accepting the authority of other individuals or institutions. This has led some with an 8 Sun Number to a path of crime and incarceration. Successful Sun Number 8s are careful to not to let anger cloud their judgment.


The 8 Sun Number is not an easy one to please when it comes to romance.

This is mostly due to the fact that he or she simply doesn't show much of what he or she is feeling. The 8 tends to be level headed, something that can take the wind out of a passionate romantic relationship. If, however, the partner has enough self-confidence and is secure in his or her own right, the relationship can last forever.

The 8 is neither demanding, nor particularly giving. It considers sex the way it looks at all other needs of the flesh: satisfy it, then move on.

On the other hand, the 8 has a strong sense of commitment, takes care of those around him or her, and will fight to protect them. Having an 8 Sun Number on your side is reason to feel safe and secure.

Really, the 2 is the ideal partner for an 8 Sun Number -- all others will have to work on it.


The Meaning of the Sun Numbers




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