Soul Urge 1.
Written by Numerologist Hans Decoz, all rigths reserved

If your Soul Urge is 1, your overpowering need is to be independent.

You want to direct your own life according to what you believe.

Your dream is to become the leader of whatever field you enter. Whether it is in business, community, or in your general area of expertise, you are driven to be the reigning figure.

You have the courage and the confidence to lead others. You believe firmly that your judgment is preeminent over all others. This gives you the confidence to make bold decisions and carry them out, even when other lives are greatly affected by what you do. You rarely look back once you have made a decision.


Your 1 Soul Urge reflects intelligence and wit.

You are keenly insightful and are good at evaluating the abilities of others. You are supremely individualistic. In your manner and dress, you like to project your own unique persona. Consequently, you don't mind being controversial, and can even enjoy the attention and impact you have made on your surroundings.

The 1 dislikes routines, or anything that limits your freedom and independence, especially if it is your Soul Urge number, .

Whenever you commit to something you truly love, you are absolutely tenacious in your ability to endure difficulties and overcome obstacles. You are highly responsible; you hate passing the buck.


A Soul Urge 1 possesses remarkable willpower and a strong drive to succeed.


You are always looking for innovative ways of doing things. Because you seek to be the boss in any endeavor, you have a tendency to dominate others. If you are not careful, especially in dealing with your subordinates and family, you may become ruthless in your decisions and behavior.

A Soul Urge 1 can also fall victim to impatience and intolerance, particularly if they grow conceited or superior.

You are the pioneer and the ground-breaker. You love the foreground, the hot-seat of responsibility. You have all the talents to succeed. As long as you maintain balance in your life, allowing others full expression of their thoughts and abilities, you will easily rise to the top of your chosen field and realize your ambitions.



Remember, your Soul Urge (also called Heart's Desire) is a want, a desire. Fulfilling your Soul Urge depends on opportunity, effort, and perhaps luck. We should be grateful even if we only partially fulfill that in-born desire.


Continue to do your own reading, the Personality number!


Other Soul Urge numbers:



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