The meaning of the 4
Numerologist Hans Decoz

The 4 is the number of strength and stability; it is our rock!




The chief characteristics of the 4 are dependability, productivity, punctuality, and obedience. It is trustworthy, patient, conventional, and traditional.

People with prominent 4’s can seem dispassionate and solitary, preferring to toil in quiet obscurity. They work steadily and are extremely persistent, finding deep satisfaction in their accomplishments.

The 4 favors results over financial reward and public recognition. They are humble, often dress conservatively, and don’t clash with their surroundings.


The 4 does not like to draw attention but will fight tooth and nail if you try to muscle in on their territory.

They believe in effort and control and are goal-oriented, but their goals are often simple and down to earth. The 4 is not a visionary but notices every detail. They are capable, proficient, and they don’t cut corners - the perfect employee.

Looking at the shape of the 4. you will notice the hard angles are a symbolic representation of this rather straight-edged workaholic - less creative or artistic, but excellent at working with their hands.

Many artisans and skilled laborers have the 4 prominent in their charts. The 4 works hard and is a good provider but demands discipline and loyalty. They do not do well in chaotic environments and are prone to panic attacks if it appears they don’t have things well under control.


The 4 does not like to make waves, but values moral convictions and doesn’t back down when convinced they are “doing the right thing."

However, they can also be intolerant and, when faced with people from other cultures, countries or races, their insecurity and fear of the unknown can make them uncomfortable, even prejudiced at the extreme.

Many 4s choose a career in the military where their disciplined nature is right at home – and do exceptionally well when they are assigned duties that include administrative and organizational work.

As with any number, there are contradicting traits within the 4. For instance, while they are not particularly social or fun-loving, the 4 often reveals an entertainingly dry sense of humor. Further, although they can be strict parents, the 4 is extremely devoted and will walk through fire to get their children what they need.

My description of the 4 is, not surprisingly, almost the exact opposite of my description of the 3. This is to be expected, as each number is a counterpoint to the one that directly precedes it. The 2 is the polar opposite of the 1, the 3 displays traits that are directly opposed to those of the 2, and so on. Keep in mind, if you have a 4 in your core numbers, your other core numbers will affect the influence of the 4.


Other Numbers and their meaning:

Meaning of Number 1Leadership, independence, individuality, determination, and ambition. Read more about the 1

Meaning of Number 2Harmony, peace-maker, cooperation, tact, and sensitivity. Read more about the 2

Meaning of Number 3Creativity, self-expression, optimism, light-hearted, and communication. Read more about the 3

Meaning of Number 4racticality, stability, organization, detail-oriented, persistence, hard work. Read more about the 4

Meaning of Number 5Freedom, adaptability, adventure, dynamic, and curiosity. Read more about the 5

Meaning of Number 6Caring, service, responsibility, family-oriented, and nurturing. Read more about the 6

Meaning of Number 7Introspection, spirituality, analysis, logical, and intuition. Read more about the 7

Meaning of Number 8Power, success, material abundance, authoritive, and achievement. Read more about the 8

Meaning of Number 9Humanitarianism, compassion, selflessness, tolerant, and universal love. Read more about the 9


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