Personality Number 6

The numerology meaning of Personality Number 6.


What a 6 Personality says about you

You radiate understanding and compassion. People sense your warmth and fairness. For this reason, you attract many people who are in need of comfort, including the disadvantaged.

People tend to come to you to unload their burdens. You inspire confidence.

You have a fine sense of justice.

You do everything in your power to keep the harmony and are even willing to sacrifice your personal desires for the good of others. You can take this too far, however, sometimes playing the role of the martyr.

You have to guard against being taken advantage of. You are not always a very good judge of character. You tend to see the best in others. You also can become too involved in the lives of others, to your own detriment. (This aspect can be balanced by other numbers in your chart.)

You are hospitable and domestic. You love children and are a good parent. You are romantic, faithful and very protective. You are artistic. You love music, flowers and gardening. You are a natural interior designer. You have an excellent sense of color and taste.

You are more concerned with the content of your personality than your appearance, which causes you to be less conscious of the style of your clothes. You are more interested in comfort and the utility of clothing than the statement it makes.

Six Personality Numbers are exceedingly generous.

You are not particularly logical when it comes to finances. You are very vulnerable to praise and criticism. You tend to worry a lot, causing stomach problems. People see you as a maternal or paternal figure. They want to relax in your presence and unburden themselves. You are the safe port in the crowd.



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Other Personality Numbers:


The Meaning of a Personality Number 1Read more about the 1 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 2Read more about the 2 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 2Read more about the 3 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 4Read more about the 4 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 5Read more about the 5 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 6Read more about the 6 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 7Read more about the 7 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 8Read more about the 8 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 9Read more about the 9 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 11Read more about the 11 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 22Read more about the 22 Personality

The Meaning of a Personality Number 33Read more about the 33 Personality


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