The Meaning of Your SECOND Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 1

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 1

The middle years of your life (approximately ages 30 to 60) find you on an intense path of personal growth. You are required to adapt frequently to the many ups and downs in your life.

When 1 rules the second Period Cycle it focuses on self-empowerment.

To facilitate this, situations occur that force you to dig deep to find the courage required to face your challenges. You have love and support, but circumstances will often demand that you rely heavily on your own strengths.

Fortunately, throughout this approximately thirty-year period, you often have confirmation that your gut feelings are correct and feel you are moving in the right direction.

You will likely find yourself in a leadership position, strengthening your self-confidence even more.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 2

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 2

The middle part of your life is a period for learning to tune into your sensitive, intuitive side.

You are drawn to interact with people on a personal level. You recognize the subtle signs that reveal what others are experiencing, and your ability to influence people improves.

You become more diplomatic and tactful, and are able to diffuse potentially troubling situations.

However, you may also feel you are growing more fragile. Emotions play a large role during a 2 Period.

It is your challenge to maintain a realistic perspective, and to stay grounded.

Devoting time to the arts, especially music, ballet, theater, and other performing arts, helps you feel connected and involved.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 3

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 3

The middle part of your life is a time of heightened self-expression and social support. Abilities you possess in the arts, especially in writing, acting, or dance, are enhanced.

You are more social than you have been in the past, and others are attracted to your charm and charisma.

Although this is a time of maturing, you feel as though you are becoming mentally younger and more creative.

Staying focused on practical goals may be challenging.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 4

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 4

The middle part of your life is a period of hard work and the rewards it can bring.

You are chiefly concerned with the practical aspects of life: career, family, and community. You are not given to pursuing idealistic or impractical goals during this time, as you prefer to place your life on sound financial footing.

Find work you love, so your effort brings reward not only through promotion, success, and money, but also in joy and a sense of accomplishment.

This is a time dominated by discipline, order, and self-motivation, traits that will endear you to your family, co-workers, and community.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 5

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 5

The middle part of your life is a period of rapid progress and change. You learn the lessons, values, and responsibilities that come with freedom. You likely travel, move residences, or change jobs frequently.

You are footloose and free-spirited. You acquire a flair for self-promotion, which can benefit your professional life. You become better at self-expression and grow less inhibited.

During this period, you meet many interesting, often eccentric people and encounter new ideas. You benefit from change and avoiding a predictable, routine lifestyle.

A 5 Period Cycle is dynamic and chaotic; it requires an open mind and tolerance for concepts and lifestyles you may initially find quite foreign. Opening up to new ideas is challenging but rewarding.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 6

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 6

Your middle years are a time of responsibility and duty. The issues of commitment, marriage, and family come into sharp focus. If you honor your commitments with acceptance and love, this can be a period of harmony and support.

You are needed by others; you are loved and appreciated. Reinforced by the loving, family-oriented 6, this is the best cycle for marriage and commitment.

In the same way, partnerships go well and progress is made through joint effort. Conversely, commitments that are broken or not deeply made tend to end in separation or divorce more often during this period than others.

Artistic talents you possess may surface or heighten, and opportunities for self-expression present themselves. A commercial opportunity is supported, possibly your own business.

This is a time of progress through flexibility, cooperation, and compromise.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 7

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 7

A 7 Period Cycle during the middle years of your life produces a period of intellectual depth and contemplation. It is a time to concentrate on the big questions of life. You are attracted to science, technology, philosophy, and/or metaphysics.

This cycle requires that you focus your energies and thoughts. Regardless of the course you choose, you must immerse yourself and specialize to become an expert in your field.

This is a period of inner development; meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection are your keys to enrichment and wisdom.

Relationships seem burdensome at times due to your desire to spend time alone. There is also resistance to sharing your deeper feelings with others.

Sharing your knowledge by teaching, counseling, or simply talking to others is beneficial.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 8

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 8

The 8 Period Cycle usually bodes well for work, career, and financial reward. This is a time when power falls to you, but must be used wisely and with purpose. You likely find yourself in a position of authority and leadership.

Vision and a willingness to take risks are necessary to advance your career or business. However, there is a danger of being duped by get-rich-quick schemes.

With balance as its most essential quality, the statement "You reap what you sow" applies to the 8 more than to any other number. With effort and diligence, financial reward is almost guaranteed.

However, if cutting corners or opportunism is the driving force behind your professional life, financial ruin could just as likely be the result.

The 8 is rarely neutral regarding punishment or reward.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 9

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 9

This is a period where you develop a broad view of humanity and sincere concern for the well-being of others. Tolerance, acceptance, and universal love are the goals of a 9 Cycle, and people under its influence move toward those ideals.

Humanitarian principles and social service are the keys to personal happiness in a 9 Period. Hard work directed toward higher ideals is rewarded. Creative talent is enhanced, especially when joined by a larger social purpose or message.

There is an element of sacrifice or letting go, as you are asked to forgive past grievances and part with negative attachments.

You are inspired to live according to a higher ethical standard, with personal enrichment as reward.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 11

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 11

Your 2nd Period Cycle is an 11 Master number and a period of spiritual expansion, even illumination. You grow in understanding and wisdom.

It is a time to seek higher human ideals.

There is a temptation, however, to chase after the infinite without being grounded in the practical.

Teaching and sharing your knowledge are important aspects of this cycle. You likely possess a message or an ability that should be shared with your community, but only through deep personal transformation and enhanced self-expression can this gift be communicated effectively.

Focus on your studies and deepen your understanding. The more work you do on yourself, the better you will contribute to the world at large.

For those who embrace this path there are many rewards, including the deep satisfaction that comes from making a contribution to the advancement of others. For some, this will include financial gain and notoriety.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle

Second Period Cycle is 22

If Your Second Period Cycle is a 22

Your 2nd Period Cycle is a 22 Master number and carries enormous potential for establishing a lasting institution or teaching that will greatly benefit others. You have the ability to manifest a concept, dream, or invention. Your talents as a builder, organizer, and visionary are at their peak.

You discern the needs of others and create constructive and practical plans to fulfill those needs.

You commit yourself entirely to the work at hand. For many, this dream lasts a lifetime and requires every ounce of energy and talent. An all-consuming role beckons but provides a great sense of personal accomplishment and reward.

You possess an ability to make a lasting contribution to the well-being of humanity.


The Meaning of the Third Period Cycle


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