© Hans Decoz, 2022. All rights reserved.
A rose, by any other name, is no longer a rose. Why? Because a name is so much more than a label.
A name is a melody, a vibration. A name invokes an image, a feeling, an impression. We know this, advertising agencies know this, aspiring actors and their agents know this.
Would the name Bernie Wayne invoke the same "vibe" as John Wayne?
Your name is not an accident; your name reveals who you are. The concept that the name you were given at birth can reveal a great deal about your personality, likes and dislikes, your talents and weaknesses may sound strange on the surface, but a closer look offers a different picture.
We do not choose our own names at birth, our parents do. Most people are comfortable with their names, and rightly so. Parents tend to do a good job naming their children.
A combination of love and intuition, virtually assures that the child receives a name that fits it perfectly. It doesn't matter whether the name is chosen because they like the sound of it or it's to honor an ancestor, or any other reason - even names received after adoption, or names entered in the birth certificate with a typo, tend to fit perfectly. Even nick names and screen names tend to suit the personalities of their owners.
But not everyone is happy with their names.
Did you know that the World Numerology app includes a Name Advisor for Business and a Name Analyzer for People? Check it out.
A person can have good reasons to change their name. It could be for professional reasons, for marriage or after a divorce, and even religious reasons. Spiritual teachers sometimes require their students to change their names. But in my experience, the most common and viable reason to change your name is because you feel it doesn't fit you anymore. Maybe you feel it never did, or perhaps you outgrew the name. Either way, those are all legitimate reasons to look into a name change.
It is not uncommon for a person to reach a stage in life where a certain discomfort is connected with their everyday name; a recognition of discordance, a deep inner feeling that the name is no longer in harmony with the flow of life. At that point, a name change - with the help of numerology - may be in order.
I have had quite a few clients ask for a name change consultation for the purpose of attracting money, or power, or whatever they felt was the missing piece to a perfect life. But changing a name is like whack-a-mole, in that anything you add requires something else to be removed, and the number of variables are almost infinite.
Still, numerology can be extremely helpful for a person who genuinely feels a name change is needed.
Your name is all about letters and numbers; it's a pattern of symbols and connections that reveal hidden truths from a perspective no other metaphysical science offers. For that reason, it has been the go-to practice for name change consultations.
For many people, the full name at birth is not the same name they call themselves on day-to-day basis - it is generally a shorter version.
Although you can't change the fact you were given your full name at birth, you can change your current name, and that change can impact the quality of your life, because your current name reflects who you think you are; the way you see yourself. And as any life coach will tell you, the way you view yourself is crucial to your life experience and your potential for success and happiness.
Every time you introduce yourself you confirm an image, a range of qualities, a feeling of who you are as a person. You influence your own world, your immediate environment, and the people around you, whenever you say your name.
When you say your name, you do more than simply label yourself as "so-and-so" -- you create an impression in sound and vibration, and this impression, this hidden knowledge, is like currency; it has real value.
The aspects in your chart that are affected are, the Minor Expression, Minor Heart's Desire, Minor Personality, but also more obscure aspects, such as the Planes of Expression when applied to the current name.
Our app offers a great tool for analyzing names, one for people, and another one for businesses or products. (The reason we offer two Numerology Name Analyzers, is that the requirements for naming people or products are direct opposites. A person's name affects that person directly, while a business or product name analyzer prioritizes how the names are perceived.)
The effect of a name change is gradual and usually takes between six months and two years. A rule of thumb is that a name change has not taken full effect until the person thinks of themselves first and foremost by their new name.
A question I ask a client when they are not sure, is: "If someone wakes you in the middle of the night and asks your name while you are still a bit groggy, what name comes out of your mouth?"
In today's society, in order to be successful, you have to make the right impression, and the name is the first impression one gets. However, it goes both ways and that's often forgotten: You also have to be the right person for the name.
A name can be good for one person and bad for another. If the traits and qualities in the name don't suit you, it's not a good name for you. This is why it is important to get guidance, and there is simply no metaphysical practice more suited to advise you in your name change, than numerology.
Whether you're creating a Facebook profile, signing up for online dating or you work in an office where instant messenger is the main means of communication, it's important to know your screen name has a persona all its own.
Just like your actual name, a screen name creates an instant impression on people who've known you for years ... or people who don't know you at all. Will others think your chosen name is just as cute, clever, or professional as you intended?
Beyond its first impression, your screen name has a deeper significance based on the Numerology behind it, which teaches that numbers have metaphysical significance.
Let's take a look at the Numerology behind three variations of gender terms: girl, gal and lady, using the screen names "libragirl," "libragal" and "libralady." Right off the bat, we know this person is a Libra woman, but what traits - from the perspective of numerology - combine with her Libran femininity?
According to Decoz' Name Advisor, Libragirl is "a name that reflects analytical powers and a quest for knowledge and information, a search for truth and wisdom. The name libragirl makes one feel like one is in the company of greatness and unconventional intelligence. Inventive. Emotion takes a back seat to mental prowess."
The first impression of libragal is "Powerful, a conqueror, [who] devours the weak and rules the strong. The name libragal reflects money and power. It is a carnivore, a winner at all costs."
As for libralady: "[The name] ... promotes optimism, inspiration and enthusiasm. It feels cheerful, outgoing and charming. This name represents self-expression and communication skills. Its upward energy is a sign of tremendous creativity and all artistic endeavors are empowered by its vibration. The name libralady attracts just about everyone. It carries great public relation and communication skills, and an innate ability to charm the most cynical folks."
It's very common to mix names and numbers within a screen name - especially when the name you want to use is already taken! In those situations, most websites will designate numbers for you so that your new screen name is unique. Adding numbers to your screen name certainly helps your chances, since there are so many numerical combinations to try. Whether they're the numbers in your home address, graduation year or favorite digit, where do these numbers fit in best?
Surprisingly, where numbers are placed within a name has no impact on the Dominant Impression Number, Vowel Vibration Number or Base Vibration Number. It's the letters that hold the most weight here, so you needn't be concerned about the numbers being placed in the beginning, middle or end of your screen name. However, each number does have a minor influence of its own. (Learn more about the influence of single digit numbers here.)
From Numerology Questions - a Dear Hans column:
Hi Hans,
What is the correct way to respond to someone who has asked for a numerology reading and has a middle name but doesn't want it included in the reading. Wouldn't that be inaccurate? I thought it had to be a full birth name including middle names? Thank you for help.
Hi Sue,
You are absolutely correct that without the middle name given at birth, the reading would not be accurate.
All the core name numbers would be wrong (the Expression, Heart's Desire, and Personality number), as well as the Transits and Essence cycles that are an important part of the Yearly Forecast.
Other numbers that are based on the name, such as the Maturity number and the Balance number, would also be incorrect.
The only part of the numerology reading that would be accurate is the Life Path, Birth Day Number, and all the cycles and Challenges that are based on the date of birth.
You may want to ask the person why they are so adamant about not including their middle name. If it’s just that they don’t like it, I would push them to get past that. But it could be that there is some trauma attached to it, in which case you might want to take a more sensitive approach and tell them that you won’t include the mention of that name in the report, but you still need it in order to create an accurate reading.
Hans Decoz
See also:
Changing Your Name for Marriage
Your Ancestor's names and how they may still affect you today.
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