8172635 911194817 263733644 22

Life Path 5

Numerology Life Path 5.
Numerologist Hans Decoz

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You are a Dynamic Force; the key to your personality is freedom.

You love travel, adventure, variety and meeting new people. You possess the curiosity of a cat and long to experience all of life. You like to be involved in several things at the same time as long as you are not tied down to any one area.

You like change, new things and new horizons. You make friends easily, your personality is upbeat and often inspiring attracting people from all walks of life.

You have a way of words and an uncanny ability to motivate others.

You can be in sales, advertising, publicity, promotion, politics or any profession that requires your communication skills and understanding of people. You likely lack discipline and order. You can also be impulsive, doing or expressing things you regret later.

Freedom and a need for adventure sometimes is not properly controlled by those born with this Life Path, causing problems with drug abuse, overindulgence in food or sex, or generally abusing the gift of life.


You are sensual and love to taste all of life.

Sex, food and other sensory experiences are essential to the enjoyment of your life.

With a 5 Life Path, you find it difficult to commit to one relationship, but once committed you can be as faithful as an old dog. You are multi-talented and possess a variety of diverse abilities.

However, discipline and focus are the true keys to your success. Without these many of the tasks you begin will remain unfinished and you will fail to realize the true fruits of your abilities. With hard work and perseverance the sky is the limit.


The wild side of a 5 Life Path

You may have been perceived as a wild child by adults and a source of concern by your family. However, do not be obliged to hurry your choice of career. You are often a late-bloomer and need to experience life before you can truly know and commit to your heart's desire.

With a 5 Life Path, your challenge is to learn the true meaning of freedom. Change is constant in your world requiring adaptability and courage. Try to maintain an exercise program, keep your body in shape and limber. The flexibility and durability of your body will promote security and confidence within you.

You yearn for freedom and self-employment attracts you powerfully. Your challenge is to settle into one area to cultivate your ability sufficiently to earn a living and attain success.

Once a 5 Life Path finds its niche the motivation and inspiration you supply others will bring you much in return, you will find your friends and colleagues supporting and promoting you on the road to success.


If you found that the double-digit number on which the 5 is based was a 14 (which reduced to 5), you are also affected by the 14 Karmic Debt number.


Learn about your other numbers, who you are, your potential, and much more by signing up on our web app - includes a free 8-page reading and 3 charting programs.


Continue to do your own reading with the Birth day number.


Other Life Path numbers and their meanings


Your Life Path is also the most important indicator for Relationship Compatibility


Check out what Life Path you are most compatible with


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