Your Expression number is 4

A rock for everyone to lean on.


Disciplined, strong, stable, pragmatic, down-to-earth, reliable, dependable, hard-working, frugal.

You are the bedrock of society, the foundation of any enterprise. You are an organizer and manager. Your approach to life and to problems is methodical and systematic. You are a builder and a doer. You turn dreams into reality. You possess a highly developed sense of structure.

Numerology meaning of the number 4: You are the bedrock of society, the foundation of any enterprise. You are an organizer and manager.


You enjoy management systems, and can carry out your well laid plans.

You are not the type to embark on any trip without a map. You take your obligations and those of your family quite seriously. As a result, you are reliable and responsible. You enjoy seeing a project through from start to finish, but can become too narrowly focused. You put your nose to the grindstone and have a tendency to become a workaholic.

You are driven by a contempt for all that is unstable, insecure, and unpredictable. You distrust the unconventional, preferring instead the tried-and-the-true. But this can make your endeavors move slowly and cause you much frustration, especially with the apparent limitations of your resources.

At the same time, concern for the limitations of your resources causes you to be careful and cautious, shutting you out from possible shortcuts and creative solutions provided by more daring people around you.

It is important that you recognize restrictions for what they are: guiding forces that are testing and directing you toward your goals. Your challenge is to be more imaginative and to attract more creative people into your life who can advise and inspire you.

In relationships, you tend to be somewhat moralistic.

You are extremely honest and sincere. You have integrity and are trustworthy, but can also be rigid and stubborn. Don't let your strong likes and dislikes overrule your common sense and compassion. Be more understanding of others' shortcomings.

Because you tend to focus on details, you can fall into a rut and become a little dull and overly serious. Often, people born with the 4 Expression need to lighten up and have more fun. In your conservative and careful way, you are good with money. You are very conscious of the balance between income and expenditures. You can limit your expenditures; saving money is important to you.

You are a good parent, and love to be involved with children.

Somehow, you relate a little more than others to the innocence of children, perhaps seeing a good deal of yourself in them. You, too, are idealistic and respect the simplicity of children.

Many accountants, bookkeepers, government officials, managers, and lawyers are born under the 4 Expression. You can be attracted to the arts and music, but will likely bring your love of structure and order to any artistic field. Classical music and opera are particularly appealing and inspiring for you.

You have a keen eye for detail. You have great stamina and can work conscientiously and persistently toward your goals. This eventually brings you success and standing in your community.


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