Your Expression number is 22

The Master Builder: Visionary, pragmatic, persistent, capable, committed


Great potential to achieve something large.

You are the master builder. You possess a unique gift for perceiving something in the archetypal world - infinite and divine - and making some semblance of it manifest on earth.

Numerology meaning of the number 22: You are the master builder. You possess a unique gift for perceiving something in the archetypal world


You dream big.

Every goal you have is enormous in scope. You dream of creating something that will last centuries. Your desire is to change history. You want to make your mark on human civilization. There is no limit to what you are capable of, nor any on what you dream of doing.

Of all the numbers, yours possesses the greatest potential for accomplishment. At the same time, you possess the greatest liability. What it will require of you to fulfill your potential is nothing less than your entire life. Even as a child, you have had a vague sense of what you must do and have always been deeply intimidated by the awesomeness of your task. You have felt the intimations of your power. But these feelings have caused you to feel paralyzed by doubt.

You must advance well into adulthood before you can begin to make use of your power and truly commit to your destiny.

The promise and reward of your Expression is equaled only by the degree of difficulty and struggle necessary to realize its potential.

The number 22 offers those who fully realize it a chance to jump into another dimension in which your day is expanded, your capacity to create and inspire multiplied, your ability to perform lasting service to mankind extended beyond the normal limits of one's life. You may turn away from the challenge you face for the safety of limitations and practical considerations of the 4 (22 reduces to a 4 expression).

You may not want to take the great risks that the 22 presents.

Instead, you may try to content yourself with limited achievements, telling yourself that your big dreams are unrealistic fantasies. This can cause some frustration, because on some level you feel called to greater things. Nevertheless, your chances to be successful, even when you limit your efforts, are still good.

You have great leadership abilities. You are persistent. You also refuse to back down in the face of a challenge. You like to work in large enterprises and on an international scale. Borders or racial identities mean little to you. You see yourself as a world citizen, playing on the planet, and refuse to be limited by petty conventions.

You should marry someone who does not depend on you for entertainment, rather choose a spouse who can participate with you but provide an independent contribution to your goals.

You are blessed with a farsighted vision.

Your efforts are directed toward great accomplishments and long-standing progress. You deeply want to create a great edifice that will make a lasting contribution, and you have all the tools necessary to do just that.


Continue to do your own reading with the Heart's Desire number!


See also:

Other Expression numbers:


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