Your Expression number is 2

The all-knowing: Sensitive, tactful, diplomatic and cooperative.


Peacemaker; loving, patient, sensual and intuitive.

You have a great talent for working with others; you possess tact and refinement. You have a highly developed intuition. This provides you with insight into personalities and situations. Therefore, you act with tact and subtle persuasion.

Numerology meaning of the number 2: You seek balance and peace in all relationships and situations.


You possess a kind of radar, avoiding the landmines within another's personality, yet bringing out their goodwill. These abilities make you the perfect diplomat. Your abilities are better expressed while working with others than by working alone. In the same way, you perform better in a partnership than in a leadership role.

You seek balance and peace in all relationships and situations.

The key to your personality is sensitivity, but there are two sides to the coin: You have the ability to perceive the thoughts and emotions of others, and can work gently with others for a mutually shared goal. This makes you a great asset in any group endeavor. However, your sensitivity makes you vulnerable.

You can be thrown off balance by an unkind word, a conflict, or by hostile conditions at work. You are far more upset by these conditions than people without your sensitivity.

While others appear to be enduring troubled times with a modicum of turmoil, you suffer the turbulence of life as if your very survival were at stake. In difficulties, you tend to persevere and steadily erode the resistance. You are like a gentle wind that shapes the rock.

You are friendly and open-minded.

You are a great support person, pulling the best out of those around you. You are the power behind the throne. You are indispensable to the leadership of another, providing insight and advice that is essential. Yet, despite the invaluable service you provide, you often do not get the credit and recognition you deserve, which can be frustrating.

Your natural modesty and the enjoyment you get from being an important asset is usually satisfaction enough for you. Close relationships are essential to your happiness. When single, you dream of finding your "soul mate." When married, you are concerned with your spouse's needs, emotions, and thoughts. You are an outstanding marriage partner, giving, thoughtful, and conscious of meeting the needs of your loved one.

You provide great support for your spouses career.

You are a passionate lover. Parenthood is not an easy role for you, probably because you lack the will to enforce discipline and need a tranquil, delicate, and harmonious environment.

You are blessed with a high degree of musical talent. You have a good sense of rhythm and harmony. You are a good counselor with an inborn talent for psychology and finely tuned intuition.


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