Numerology Chart Calculator


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Our free numerology calculator provides an overview of your essential personal numbers, including your Life Path, Heart’s Desire, Expression and Personality. We also offer insight into Bridge numbers, which illustrate the difference between two closely related aspects of your chart and provides insight to help you better bridge the gap. Double-digit, Karmic Debt, and Master Numbers are also included in the readings.

How to get started.

Enter your full name at birth exactly as it appears on your birth certificate; do not include Jr, III, or other suffix.
If you are not sure due to adoption or for any other reason, click here....
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First Name(s)

Middle Name(s)

Last Name(s)

Date Of Birth

Enter your current name, the way you introduce yourself in a social setting, including your last name (even if you don't always say it).

First Name(s)

Last Name(s)

You can also check your numbers using our Decoz Color Chartmaker for a different view.

Decoz Color Chartmaker offers an easy to view color coded chart


For an entirely different perspective, see the free Proportional Chart Maker

The Proportional Chart reveals the frequency and influence of the numbers in your chart based on their location and other variables.

An example of the Proportional Chart developed by Decoz


Learn more about the numbers included in your free numerology charts. 

Shown here in the order in which they appear in our personal readings.


Your Expression number, calculated from your full name at the time of your birth, sheds light on the overall direction, orientation, or goals of your life. It represents the life-long target you’re aiming for and reveals the person you aspire to be. This number is also called the Destiny number. Learn more about your Expression number.

Heart’s Desire

Your Heart’s Desire number reflects your deeper, inner motivations and dramatically influences the choices you make in life. Also called the Soul Urge number, it shines a light on underlying urges and the intention behind many of your actions. It reveals your likes and dislikes, the lifestyle and environment best suited for you, and the type of people you’re most likely drawn to. Learn more about your Heart’s Desire number


Your Personality number reveals the way you relate to the world around you. It serves as a censoring device, influencing what you put out into the world, as well as whom and what you invite in. Because of this, the Personality number is usually narrower and more protective than the real you. It also provides insight into how others perceive you. Learn more about your Personality number.

Heart’s Desire-Personality Bridge

Calculated by the difference between two closely related aspects in your chart, Bridge numbers offer insight into how to “’bridge the gap” between them to create a more harmonious bond. The Heart’s Desire-Personality Bridge connects these two numbers, suggesting ways to more closely align your deeper, inner self with your outer, external personality. Learn more about your Heart’s Desire-Personality Bridge.

Life Path

Derived from the total of all numbers found in your date of birth, your Life Path number is considered the single most significant information available in your Personality Chart. However, it is important to keep in mind that the aspects described in the next few sections will either complement, supplement, or sometimes weaken the attributes revealed in numbers derived from your name. Learn more about your Life Path.


The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are — and where your talents lie. Your birthday not only indicates your special talents, but it also reveals the approach you’ll most likely take toward the goals, opportunities, and challenges you’ll encounter on your Life’s Path number. Learn more about your Birthday number.

Life Path-Birthday Bridge

Your Life Path and Birthday numbers are intricately linked. This Bridge number explains how you can make the connection between them more harmonious in your life. Learn more about your Life Path-Birthday Bridge number.


You face four specific Challenges in your lifetime, each placing you in a situation to help you gain greater clarity about a particular aspect of life. You may find that you encounter the same challenge at different times or that you encounter four distinct challenges, each positioned to help you face a particular lesson. Through these Challenges, you’ll have the opportunity to strengthen or better integrate personal traits that will best serve you during the lesson — and throughout your life. Learn more about the four Challenges.

Life Path-Expression Bridge

This Bridge has the potential to “close the gap” between your Life Path and Expression numbers. This section explains how you can better attune your talents, strengths, and specific abilities — illustrated by your Expression number — to achieve your goals and personal growth. Learn more about your Life Path-Expression Bridge.


Your Maturity number speaks to an underlying wish or desire that begins to surface age 30 to 35. As you gain a better understanding of yourself, a new direction begins to emerge and with this self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who you are and where you’d like to go in life. Learn more about your Maturity number

Rational Thought

Your Rational Thought number — the combined sum of your birthday with the sum of your first name — reveals your approach to decision making and problem solving. For example, are you a structured, logical thinker or do you ponder a question in a creative, abstract manner? Do you daydream or stick to deductive reasoning? Learn more about your Rational Thought number.


Your Balance number provides guidance on how to best deal with difficult situations. Learn more about your Balance number.

Hidden Passion

Your Hidden Passion number reveals the unique strengths you possess, including a special aptitude or expertise, personal passion, or surprising talent. Metaphorically, this talent or passion may be interpreted as having an innate power that helps provide you with insight into a life lesson. Learn more about your Hidden Passion number.

Karmic Lessons

Karmic lessons, defined by the absence of certain letters in your name, represent areas you need to strengthen. These numbers require focused attention and effort to overcome, making them powerful motivators for areas of growth. Lear more about your Karmic Lessons.


The first letter of your first name is your Cornerstone. It provides unique insight into your character — in particular, the way you approach opportunities and obstacles. Learn more about your Cornerstone.

Subconscious Self

Based on how many numbers are represented in your name, your Subconscious Self provides insight into how you make the most of your talents and opportunities — especially when faced with new, challenging, or even dangerous circumstances. Learn more about your Subconscious Self.

Planes of Expression

You experience life on four different levels: Physical, mental, emotional, and intuitive. Your Planes of Expression indicate how you function on each of these planes. Learn more about your Planes of Expression.

Minor Expression

Derived from the name you introduce yourself by — including nicknames — your Minor Expression often fills in the gaps for the letters or numbers missing in your full name. Learn more about your Minor Expression.

Minor Heart’s Desire

Your Minor Heart’s Desire number is derived from the vowels in the name your introduce yourself by, providing a supporting influence to your inner motivation. Learn more about your Minor Heart’s Desire.

Minor Personality

Your Minor Personality is based on the consonants of your current name and reflects how you believe — or hope — to be perceived by others. Learn more about your Minor Personality.

First, Second, and Third Period Cycles

Like most great stories, your life story features three distinct stages — reflected in your Period Cycles. Your First, Second, and Third cycles come from the month, day, and year of birth, respectively. Together, they form the foundation of your Life’s Path. Learn more about your three Period Cycles.


Like Period Cycles, Pinnacle Cycles are derived from your date of birth — yet they offer insights into different experiences. While Period Cycles reflect internal stage of growth, the Pinnacle Cycles represent external influences you’ll encounter along your Life’s Path. Learn more about the Pinnacle Cycles.


The individual letters of your name are used to find your Transits. Learn more about numerology transits.

Essence Cycles

Your Essence Cycle number is the sum of the physical, mental, and spiritual transits in place during a particular year of your life. These numbers reveal the lessons you’ll encounter during that time and the way you will likely perceive your environment. These numbers also provide guidance for how you can be most successful. Learn more about Essence Cycles.

Personal Years

Your Personal Year number is a strong indication of the trends and circumstances you experience during the year ahead. In contrast to your Transits and Essence Cycles, which are based on the letters of your name and run from birthdate to birthday, Personal Year Cycles are based on the Universal Year Cycles and follow the calendar year. Nine Personal Year numbers complete an Epicycle. Learn more about Personal Years.


Dualities explore how different aspects of your chart impact each other. For example, your Essence and Personal Year cycles bring distinct energies to your chart. Essence Cycles relate to your internal influences, including your mental, emotional, and spiritual state of mind, while Personal Years relate to external influences. Learn more about your Dualities.

Personal Months

The influence of a Personal Month gradually changes from one month to the next over approximately five days at the end and the beginning of each month. Learn more about your Personal Months.


The meaning of the single digit numbers

The Meaning of 1
The Meaning of 2
The Meaning of 3
The Meaning of 4
The Meaning of 5
The Meaning of 6
The Meaning of 7
The Meaning of 8
The Meaning of 9
Master Number 11
Master Number 22
Master Number 33
Karmic Debt Numbers


The World Numerology app

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Numerology App for PC-Windows by Decoz