Your Birth Day Number

Your Birth Day number is one of the core numbers in your numerology chart


The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie.

The Birth Day Number

The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie.

Your Birthday number is simply the day of your birth.

It is not reduced to a single digit number.

Your day of birth indicates some special talent you possess - a gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path.

Your Birth Day number is one of your five core numbers - along with your Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge (a.k.a. Heart's Desire), and Personality numbers.


Your Birthday number indicates some special talent you possess.

It is a gift to you that will help you along your life’s path. Your day of birth is one of your five core cumbers, but perhaps the most finite in that it reveals a specific ability that you possess in a marked degree.

Your Birth Day number is the number of the day you were born, and its examined as both a single-and a double-digit number.

The reason for this twofold way of looking at the number is that a double-digit Birth Day number suggests that you possess additional characteristics not directly revealed by the single-digit number.

For example, a person born on day 15 can be said to have a 6 Birthday number, but the double digits, the 1 and the 5, suggest other abilities and character traits not revealed by the 6 alone.

The 15 reveals different underlying talents to the 6 than does the 24, which is derived from the 2 and the 4, also a 6, but is quite different in nature. This is particularly important when understanding the Birth Day number.


The Color Chart in the Decoz Chartmaker (free with our app) shows the day of birth in the center of the star-shaped configuration. In this case, the 3. The symbol for a Birth Day number is a diamond with the number inside.

Numerology chart showing Birth Day numbers.


Find Out What Numerology Says About YOUR Birth Day Number



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