© Hans Decoz. 2001. Updated January 2023. All rights reserved.
The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie.
It is not reduced to a single digit number.
Your day of birth indicates some special talent you possess - a gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path.
Your Birth Day number is one of your five core numbers - along with your Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge (a.k.a. Heart's Desire), and Personality numbers.
It is a gift to you that will help you along your life’s path. Your day of birth is one of your five core cumbers, but perhaps the most finite in that it reveals a specific ability that you possess in a marked degree.
Your Birth Day number is the number of the day you were born, and its examined as both a single-and a double-digit number.
The reason for this twofold way of looking at the number is that a double-digit Birth Day number suggests that you possess additional characteristics not directly revealed by the single-digit number.
For example, a person born on day 15 can be said to have a 6 Birthday number, but the double digits, the 1 and the 5, suggest other abilities and character traits not revealed by the 6 alone.
The 15 reveals different underlying talents to the 6 than does the 24, which is derived from the 2 and the 4, also a 6, but is quite different in nature. This is particularly important when understanding the Birth Day number.
The Color Chart in the Decoz Chartmaker (free with our app) shows the day of birth in the center of the star-shaped configuration. In this case, the 3. The symbol for a Birth Day number is a diamond with the number inside.
1 - The Leader
You have a great ambition and a strong drive for success. You are highly independent and dislike the restrictions of having to work with others. You easily become frustrated with the routine.
Read more about the 1
2 - The Peacemaker
You are warm and affectionate and need the same from your close friends and loved ones. You want to be hugged and cuddled. There is a tendency to fall into childhood patterns when giving and receiving affection.
Read more about the 2
3 - The Creative Child
You have a fine sense of harmony and art in everything that you do - from your dress to the way you decorate your home. You have a gift with plants and flower arranging.
Read more about the 3
4 - The Salt of the Earth
You are precise and take great care in what you do. You are highly principled, disciplined, and responsible. You take your obligations very seriously.
Read more about the 4
5 - The Freedom Lover
You are highly adaptable and need excitement. You relate well to others and have an easy way with words. In fact, you have a talent for promotion, public relations, and, for some, writing.
Read more about the 5
6 - Love and Sacrifice
Your focus is on relationships. You want to help others and have a talent as a healer and could make a profession of the healing arts, either as a nutritionist, alternative health therapist (acupuncture, massage, for example) or doctor.
Read more about the 6
7 - Seeker of Wisdom
You should meditate and do some type of spiritual exercise in order to develop your intuitive talents. Once you have begun to trust your intuition, you will develop a sound faith.
Read more about the 7
8 - Balance & Power
Your approach to business is original, creative, and daring. You have sound judgment and need the freedom to exercise it, lest you become bitter and tyrannical elsewhere in your life.
Read more about the 8
9 - Global Awareness
You have a greater social role to play that will require a blend of the practical and the humanitarian. You must have a keen sense of what will work, but at the same time direct those efforts toward some greater good.
Read more about the 9
10 - Taking Charge
Your test in life is to live according to your dream - that is, to have the courage and the stamina to overcome obstacles and win the independence you so deeply want.
Read more about the 10
11 - The Intuitive
Your intuition is so keen, in fact, that you would make a fine counselor and/or healer. You seem to understand people before they reveal their inner being themselves.
Read more about the 11
12 - Self Expression
Your artistic talent emerges in virtually everything you take seriously, your home, your cooking, the way you express yourself, and any artistic endeavor you commit to.
Read more about the 12
13 - The Rock
You love things that are solid and grounded in the practical. Yet, you possess a considerable amount of artistic talent that is searching for concrete forms of expression.
Read more about the 13
14 - The Adventurer
You are highly social and work well with others as long as there are not too many restrictions to bind you. You get restless easily, a characteristic that can make you change vocations or relationships much too quickly.
Read more about the 14
15 - Mother-/Fatherhood
There is a yearning within you to ground within the family or community structure, but there is a hint of wanderlust, too, which makes grounding difficult. You want the best in your life, and you strive for it.
Read more about the 15
16 - Phoenix Rising
You have a fine analytical mind that is capable of penetrating beneath the surface of the subject at hand. You also have the capacity for excellent concentration.
Read more about the 16
17 - Success Through Detachment. Your approach to business is original, creative, and daring. You are an excellent manager and organizer. You are gifted with the ability to see the larger picture, and, remarkably, how the details come into play.
Read more about the 17
18 - The World is your Oyster
You are broadminded and should be educated in several different fields, particularly the arts. Many great artists are found under this number.
Read more about the 18
19 - The Individualist
As the poet John Donne said: "No man is an Island unto himself... We are all bits of the main." This is a central lesson in your life: to learn the difference between the dream of independence and the reality of interdependence.
Read more about the 19
20 - Bringer of Harmony
You possess great awareness and can sense the feelings of others, even when they try to hide their inner thoughts. Consequently, you are easily influenced by your environment.
Read more about the 20
21 - Express & Create
Your imagination is highly charged. It reveals itself in everything you do, from your sparkling conversation to your most prized projects. You are quick witted and can think on your feet.
Read more about the 21
22 - The Master Builder
You are an organizer, or builder of an institution or business. You have a vision and the capability to realize it. You possess the capacity for great strength, but conversely you can be deeply afraid of the dimensions of your ambitions.
Read more about the 22
23 - Adaptable & Versatile
You are highly adaptable, which makes change a great deal easier for you than for others. You have an easy way with relationships and generally get along well with most people you meet.
Read more about the 23
24 - Teacher & Healer
You are energetic, responsible, and helpful, but your sympathetic nature may cause you to interfere in relationships and get you into trouble. Know your limits.
Read more about the 24
25 - Spiritual Growth
You are capable of investigating and researching subjects deeply. Your analytical skills force you to avoid taking anything at face value.
Read more about the 25
26 - Between Matter & Spirit
Your challenge is to maintain a balance between your material goals and the fundamental human qualities of understanding, compassion, and love.
Read more about the 26
27 - The People's Spirit
You are a bit of a late-bloomer. You need exposure to many different types of people before you find the area in which you will specialize. This is also the reason many change careers more than once.
Read more about the 27
28 - Self Empowerment
You are unconventional, idealistic, and independent. You are extremely ambitious. You possess much self-confidence but need much encouragement.
Read more about the 28
29 - The Psychic
You are so driven by spiritual pursuits that no matter what you do in life, the world of spirit and philosophy will be central to your daily behavior. You feel linked with the larger universal forces, and nothing will change that.
Read more about the 29
30 - Perform & Express
You are an artist at heart. You could excel in writing, visual, or performing arts. If you are not professionally involved in one of these areas, you should consider taking up art as a hobby.
Read more about the 30
31 - Power of Work
You are the foundation of any enterprise you commit to, doing your work with determination and precision.
Read more about the 31
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