Numerologist Hans Decoz explains what numerology tools and resources are available


Our collection of free numerology resources, including a Life Path calculator and overview of each digit’s distinct qualities, is curated to provide greater insight into how numbers impact your experiences.


What is Numerology?
Foundational | Informative

An ancient practice with modern-day applications, numerology is the study of the profound ways numbers impact our lives.

Start Decoding Patterns


Your Life Path
Potential | Strengths | Core

The single most important number in your chart, your life path number offers insights into your personality traits, strengths, challenges and opportunities.

Find Your Path


Master Numbers
Spiritual | Double Digit

Unlock the influence of these powerful double-digit numbers to better understand how they impact your journey — and how they can improve your experiences.

Understand Master Numbers


Power Numbers
Focused | Enhanced

In numerology, double-digit power numbers are recognized for their sharply focused influence and potential for greater impact.

Tap into Power Numbers


Numerology Meaning of 1 – 9
Archetypes | 101

The numbers 1 through 9 form the foundation of numerology, with each digit embodying a distinct archetype and personality.

Delve into Each Digit


Your Birthday Number
Insight | EssentialCore

The day you were born provides insight into an inherent gift or special talent that is poised to help you along your life path.

Discover Your Talent


The World Numerology app is free to download and has free access to your personal 8-page numerology reading; in-app upgrade is optional

Numerology in the Palm of Your Hand

Explore our mobile app to access 20 readings, including free daily forecasts and an 8-page personality profile. 

Numerology App for PC-Windows by Decoz



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