FOR Sun Number 1

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JANUARY Sun Number 1

January numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 1 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
2 Personal Month

January is not a month to make important choices or decisions without a lot of careful consideration. Begin January is not a month to make important choices or decisions without a lot of careful consideration. Begin this process by taking a critical look at your current state of mind. It's a month of some confusion and self-doubt.

More mercurial than usual, you will likely switch from optimism to pessimism and back again. This is to be expected when you go through the kind of deep and personal transformation brought on by a change of long-term cycles; the last year of the previous nine-year cycle and the first year of the incoming nine-year cycle. This period is invariably accompanied by many small and large changes.

Your transformation can be compared to a low-level reformat of your inner hard disk. When the job is done, much of the information is replaced, gaps are closed, and the bugs are ironed out. You can look forward to a time of greater self-confidence, more energy, and a refreshed and more positive outlook on life.

A 1 Personal Year, 2 Personal Month is highly charged in the areas of romance and friendships. You may well meet someone who will touch your heart deeply. Friendships intensify and can be very comforting and healing.

You will likely find yourself being more helpful and involved in the lives of others, particularly as a counselor or adviser. The energies implicit in the month give you greater sensitivity to feelings -- yours, as well as those of others. You will be tactful and capable of creating harmony where there was turmoil. At times, however, you may be overly sensitive and not handle criticism well.

The month starts slowly and with some difficulties. However, once you've passed the mid-point, you increasingly gain confidence, direction, and momentum toward your goals.



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FEBRUARY Sun Number 1

February numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 2 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
3 Personal Month

February brings reasons for optimism, there is a sense of promise and new beginnings in the air. You see your direction a little clearer, which causes you to lighten up and become ...

Come back in February 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


MARCH Sun Number 1

March numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 3 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
4 Personal Month

Now is the time to deliver and show yourself and everyone around you, that you are able and willing to do whatever it takes to reach ...

Come back in March 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


APRIL Sun Number 1

April numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 4 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
5 Personal Month

As explained earlier in your January forecast, this year and last combine to bring about major changes. That also includes changes in many ...

Come back in April 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


MAY Sun Number 1

May numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 5 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
6 Personal Month

Love, romance, and commitment play an important role whenever a 6 Month teams up with a 1 Year. There is the possibility of a new relationship, the birth of a child, or ...

Come back in May 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


JUNE Sun Number 1

June numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 6 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
7 Personal Month

This month offers time and opportunity for contemplation and insight. Career and romance do not require as much attention as your need to ...

Come back in June 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


JULY Sun Number 1

July numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 7 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
8 Personal Month

Career and finances should be at the top of your priorities. Work hard and wisely. Combine practicality and vision. July is not a time to sit and stare into space, but ...

Come back in July 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


AUGUST Sun Number 1

August numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 8 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
9 Personal Month

As mentioned more than once during previous monthly forecasts, this year offers plenty of changes, and August continues the trend.

Most of this month is dedicated to completion and ...

Come back in August 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


SEPTEMBER Sun Number 1

September numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 9 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
1 Personal Month

You experience an increases in inner strength, independence, and individuality during this month. There is a sense of empowerment. Chances are your health improves, and you are ...

Come back in September 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


OCTOBER Sun Number 1

October numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 1 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
2 Personal Month

Your intuition and sensitivity are heightened. You are much more aware of feelings, yours as well as those of others - which is quite a change from last month (although this ...

Come back in October 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


NOVEMBER Sun Number 1

November numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 2 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
3 Personal Month

November is a month brimming with inspiration, motivation, creativity, and self-expression. However, there can be a superficial ...

Come back in November 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.


DECEMBER Sun Number 1

December numerology forecast for a 9 year
         , 3 month.

Sun Number 1

You are in a 1 Personal Year,
4 Personal Month

December brings opportunities as well as frustration. It is crucial that you stay focused on your goals and work hard. The numbers for this period are all about ...

Come back in December 2025 to read the full description of this month's forecast.