Do Your Own Reading

Numerologist Hans Decoz became interested in numerology at the age of 19, he studied literally dozens of numerology books, and travelled extensively in search of knowledge

A recent picture of numerologist Hans Decoz ;-)

And learn some numerology on the way!

No math required (unless you want to) - just use our Chart Calculator.

You can also download our app, which contains a free 8-page personal reading and three different chart making programs. Upgrading is optional and gives you access to the whole collection of 18 personal readings.

Numerology App for PC-Windows by Decoz Numerology App for MAC - find your master numbers Numerology App for Android with a master number calculator Numerology App for iPhone with 18 numerology programs built in. Numerology App for iPad with 18 numerology programs built in.

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Numerology; Key to Your Inner Self - A complete guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny Much of the material here is based on the book Numerology; Key To Your Inner Self: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny, available on amazon. You may want to read: What is Numerology for insight into the basics, benefits, and philosophy of this ancient art and science.

We will be using Pythagorean rather than Chaldean numerology.



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Your date of birth and your name form the basis of your reading

Your date of birth sets everything in motion, placing you on the path you will walk through the course your life. All numbers based on your date of birth reflect influences and events related to the momentum, or Path, of Your Life. Like any path, it is affected by the weather and changing landscape (your cycles) the influences you encounter help shape who you are. Your Life Path number is the most important number in your chart.

The numbers derived from your full name at birth reflect WHO you are as you walk that path. Your inborn talents, characteristics, quirks, strengths and weaknesses are all revealed through the numbers in your name. The traits and talents you were born with (derived from your birth name), combined with the events and influences you encounter throughout your life (governed by your birth date), make you who you are today. As you can see, the place where a number is found, is therefore extremely important in the delineation of your reading.

Understanding the archetypal meaning of the numbers, and more importantly how and where they influence you, is the most challenging part of the age-old science of numerology. Most numbers in your chart are single digit numbers 1 through 9. However, some numbers are special and you may want to read up on those first, in case any of them show up in your chart. Like Master numbers (there are three: 11, 22, and 33), and Karmic Debt numbers (there are four: 13, 14, 16, and 19).


 All calculations in numerology are based on an underlying logic that is easy to recognize.

The Mathematics of Pythagorean numerology

The calculation methods in numerology are exceedingly simple - nothing more than a little adding and subtracting.

We have done our best to maintain absolute integrity to the Pythagorean system.


Some differences exist among numerologists and their methods of calculations.

If you have encountered some of those differences in your own research, consider this: All calculations in numerology are based on an underlying logic that is easy to recognize yet largely unknown even among many professional numerologists.

Although the calculation methods are simple — a matter of adding or subtracting single- and double-digit numbers — they are based on a rather complex cosmic network of inter-connecting patterns and cycles that are recognizable; it is in recognizing these patterns, that we are able to predict events and influences.


About reducing numbers

When we talk about "reducing a number to a single-digit," we mean adding each of the digits until a single-digit is left. For example, we reduce the number 367 by adding 3 + 6 + 7=16. Next, we add 1 + 6=7. We have now reduced the number 367 to the single-digit number 7.

NOTE: In many areas of your chart, Master numbers are not reduced during the calculations. For example, to reduce the year 1966 to a single digit, we add 1+9+6+6=22. Twenty-two is a Master number, therefore, we do not reduce 22 any further.
Many numerologists will write 22/4, because the 22 is also a 4. This is a matter of personal preference.

Another example: November 22, 1911. November is the 11th month. The 11 is a Master number and is not reduced. (There are three Master Numbers: 11, 22, and 33)
The 22nd day is also a Master number: 22.
The year 1911 reduces to 12, which reduces to 3.
month=11, day=22, year=3: Total=36. We reduce 36 to 9. The Life Path is 9.

While there are two alternative ways to calculate the Life Path, most numerologists, including myself, consider those methods flawed, because they are not based on the Period Cycles, thereby ignoring the logic on which this science is based.


Do Your Own Reading

The Most Important Number in Your Chart is Your Life Path number, also called your Birth Number.

Find your Life Path and it's meaning here.

Then continue with the chapters listed below.


The Following Readings Are Included in our App