Recommended Numerology Books

Numerology books recommended by Numerologist Hans Decoz
Master Numerologist Hans Decoz

The study of Numerology requires more than simply reading a few books.

It also calls for many hours of practice, as well as reading books that may not appear to have much to do with Numerology, such as The Dancing Wu Li Masters (Gary Zukav), Gödel/Escher/Bach (Douglas Hofstadter), Beyond Numeracy (John Paulos), The Mystical Qabalah (Dion Fortune), Jung and Tarot (Sallie Nichols), and others.

In order to become a good numerologist you need a solid knowledge base, but more importantly, you need a level of understanding that makes it possible for you to reach out and uplift and enrich the person who comes to you for advice. It is therefore your responsibility to first enrich yourself before offering your services to others.


Hans Decoz' book Numerology, Key To Your Inner Self - 4.7 stars, 423 reviews

As for recommended Numerology books, obviously, Numerology; Key To Your Inner Self: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny (Hans Decoz with Tom Monte) tops the list. Not only because I wrote it :-), but because it compensates for the most common shortcoming among other Numerology books: a consistent focus on the personalities of the numbers as they appear in different aspects of the charts.

The most important and challenging facet of Numerology is a clear understanding of the role each single digit number plays. For that reason, we not only described the meaning of each number once or twice before moving on to the mechanics and other aspects of Numerology, but we also depict each number over and over again, from the angle specific to its location in the chart.

A number found, for example, as a Life Path influences one very differently when found as a Heart's Desire. This helps a person become acquainted with the personalities of the numbers to the extent that he or she would be able to predict how a particular number will respond specific to the circumstances and position in which it is found.


Other recommended Numerology books for aspiring numerologist to read:

A final note.

Generally, numerology books written before about 1985, tend to be more in-depth and based on the experience and practice of hundreds of years of research than those written in the last couple of decades.

Numerology is not an exact science and is not regulated in any way. As a result, quite a few "modern" numerologists have taken neither the time nor the effort to gain a solid understanding of this science before hanging out a shingle.

While Numerology is a living science and the potential to discover new meanings and techniques is certainly possible, in order to do that, you first have to gain a knowledge-based foundation that helps you recognize and follow the underlying logic. Plug into that, and the reality that "everything is numbers" becomes second nature. You no longer practice Numerology, you live it.



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