© Hans Decoz
People experience different internal responses to life's challenges.
Some withdraw from difficult situations to think them through, while others withdraw from their emotions to try and keep themselves from feeling anything.
Some explode with emotions, but allow the explosion to pass quickly, yet others linger with their feelings, holding on to them well past the time they should have let them go.
Maturity and self-development help us learn new and more effective methods of handling our world and the problems we confront. In Numerology, your Balance number provides you with the guidance on how best to deal with difficult or threatening situations.
Your Balance number is considered a minor influence -- that is, until your personal life is off-balance and you must rely more heavily on this number. When you go through emotional turmoil, the Balance number becomes very important.
To figure out your Balance number, add the numerology value of the initials of your full name at birth -- first, middle and last initials -- then reduce them to a single digit. For example, using the name Thomas John Hancock: his initials are T, J and H. Their numerology values are 2, 1 and 8 respectively. His Balance number therefore, is 2 + 1 + 8 = 11, which further reduces to 2. Thomas has a 2 Balance number. (Reduce any double-digit number to a single digit when calculating Balance numbers, including Master numbers.)
The Balance number is the inverted triangle in your numerology chart.
This Chart, as well as two other charting methods are included free with the World Numerology App
Draw strength from yourself but be more willing to share your troubles with friends and family. You can be a loner in the face of problems. This can isolate you during troubled times. Be open to the advice of others. This will widen your perspective on the problem and give you fresh information on which to base your approach.
Strength, creativity, and courage are the arms with which you will win the war.
Use tact and diplomacy. Be less emotional. Be courageous in your approach to the solution you seek, rather than backing away from problems because you fear confrontation. Work hard to diffuse tension; your innate talent is to find a mutually satisfying solution to all. You are willing to compromise.
Be more optimistic and lighthearted. Try not to blow problems out of proportion. You are overly sensitive and have to work to be more balanced.
Balance and harmony are there for you the minute you apply yourself to any problem. You can be the peacemaker.
Be more lighthearted and optimistic in your approach to problems. Try to work with others toward a mutually satisfying solution. Use your considerable charm to influence the situation.
You can be extremely emotional when faced with a problem. Try to control this tendency; you need a degree of objectivity. You may become too personally attached to the solution you seek, thus failing to see that the outcome can be beneficial to all concerned.
Try to have perspective and a more lighthearted attitude toward emotionally charged issues. Control your anger. Discipline is your strength.
Also, look at the larger picture and the need for compromise. Your sense of justice must be elevated to another level where such virtues as forgiveness, compassion, and deep understanding are the guiding lights. A practical approach to these ideals is to try to put yourself in the shoes of the person with whom you are in conflict. There are always more angles to a problem than you tend to acknowledge.
Try to focus on your problem, rather than avoiding it. You may try to avoid the issue by indulging your senses to keep from feeling the pain of a conflict. Be careful not to escape into food, alcohol, and drugs.
You are capable of finding a highly creative solution to any situation the minute you put your mind to it. The answer lies well within your grasp.
Your strength lies with understanding people and the underlying conditions of a conflict. But you can rely too heavily on friends and family to provide you solace instead of handling the situation directly and responsibly. You may be too likely to retreat to the good feelings provided by people not involved in your situation. Responsibility is the issue here, you helped create the situation in the first place, and are an essential part of the solution. Accept your role.
You retreat into some safe haven within yourself and hope you will not have to deal with the issue at hand. Yet, the clarity and analytical abilities of your mind are sufficient to provide you with insight into the problem and a clear path to its solution.
You have to work at confronting yourself and the issues you face unemotionally and calmly. You can be engulfed in the emotional aspects of the issue, which clouds your mind and prevents you from using your clarity to find an answer. Get past the emotion and you will find an answer.
Use your considerable power in a balanced way. You may use power in a manipulative way, rather than confront people on principle. Use your power in a higher way, namely, by accepting personal responsibility for the issue and its solution. You have enormous creativity and the leadership to find an answer to almost any problem.
Try not to force your own solution upon groups but include their concerns and ideas in the larger solution that you can bring about, learn to use power for the good of all.
You will find your solutions by empathizing with the concerns of others. You have a gift for understanding a wide variety of people and seeing the broader picture. But too often you retreat to aloofness, a kind of Ivory Tower, in which you regard yourself as an aristocrat, above the masses. You will find your solutions by coming down to the practical reality where people live. It is in giving that you will receive.
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