2025 global numerology forecast and predictions by Numerologist Hans Decoz
Numerologist Hans Decoz

Shifting Alliances, Disruption and Chaos in Communication, and the Voices of Saints.


The year 2025 will be like no other.

It will be grim, and it will be heroic. It will show the worst of us, and the best of us. It will be a big step towards willful self-destruction, and an equally big step on the road to a new and kinder humanity.

It will be everything you expected, and it will be nothing you could have imagined. Its impact will only be surpassed by the year 2026. And 2027…

The struggle between good and evil is as old as humanity. Fortunately, time is on our side, because evil is inherently self-destructive; it can’t help but consume itself in its infinite desire to fill a hole that can’t be filled.

On the surface, those who are driven by greed and hunger for power may seem to be winning and appear to have it all. In reality, they have little that matters; all that which fills the heart – the appreciation and comfort that comes from recognizing we are one family, co-reliant in our shared existence; gratitude and respect for our natural world; a humble recognition of our fragility – all this is substituted by illusions and empty dreams that exist only in the mind.

Those who are driven by the heart often appear to be on the losing side, they are trampled upon and abused, but the possibility of being fulfilled exists for them, finding joy in family and community, appreciation for simple pleasures, and the fulfillment that comes from helping one another. They are seen as weak, and they suffer, but their pain is finite, and joy and gratitude are within reach.

Ripping the fabric

Since the turn of the century my forecasts have, among other things, put a strong emphasis on polarization. We are not the same. We are goats and sheep, lions and lambs, takers and givers.

Am I being melodramatic? Absolutely. Because the drama currently playing out calls for it – although the true magnitude of this year’s impact might only be recognized further down the road, when we look back to view a wider picture.

During 2025, a 9 Universal Year, the fabric of humanity will start to rip and reach the point of no return, or so it may seem.

Recognizing patterns

When patterns push certain numbers to the foreground, they always contain both the positive and negative aspects of the number.

For 2025, the most influential number is 9 – the sum of the digits in 2025. It offers a broad perspective of the year, but with little detail. The 9 is about completion and finality; it is the end of a nine-year cycle.
The positive traits of the 9 are humanitarianism, compassion, universal love, generosity, idealism, selflessness, creativity, tolerance, global awareness, and being open-minded. And boy, do we need those qualities in the coming year.

But the negative traits are also taking the limelight, and they are quite disturbing, because they are the exact opposites of the positive traits. Narrow-minded, intolerant, selfish, lack of empathy, emotional distance, and an inability to feel love. Unfortunately, those harmful traits will float on the surface and create quite a stink.

The Karmic 13 takes a prominent place

2025 chartIn this diamond-shaped schematic, the blue numbers at the top push a positive energy, while the red numbers below reveal a negative influence, or a lack of certain qualities.

The keywords for positive energy in 2025 are diplomacy, empathy, wisdom, and order. These are the qualities we need to make this year a positive and fruitful one. The 2, the peacemaker, is a prominent presence here.

The negative influences shown in red are selfishness, chaos, and aggression. And while the 2 is present there too, its less-desirable qualities dominate: deceptive, cruel, vindictive, and barbarous.  These negative traits will strengthen the 1’s overbearing, ruthless attitude.

Unfortunately, at the top of the diamond we also find a Karmic Debt number, the 13. This means the positive influences will be constrained, bottle-necked, so to speak, by the slow-moving and frustrating 13. Furthermore, its lack of adaptability and unwillingness to embrace change limits the flow of positive energies.

The voices of diplomacy, wisdom, and order are there, but without a megaphone, they are too often drowned out by the louder voices coming from the lower part of the graph: aggressive, cold-hearted, selfish, and power-hungry.

A Tug of War between 2 and 1

The 1 at the bottom of the graph is in a position of negative power, expressed in the form of aggression, even violence, and an inability to tolerate opposition or competition. It will push forward trampling anything and anyone in its way; it is a brutal force that knows no mercy. Fortunately, the 2 is predominant – there are six of them – and they will push back in the form of people, women in particular, who rise up to lead the fight – their voices will become a more and more dominant force. These are the people who will eventually lift us out of this downward spiral, to a better future.

The coming year will see a tug of war between the diplomatic, sensitive, peace-seeking 2, and the bullish 1.

The number patterns in 2025 reveal other opposing forces, including the 3. When found in a negative position, the 3 represents the wild child, irresponsible, impulsive, and chaotic. On the upside, we find a 7 in the top part of the diamond, bringing wisdom, experience, and calm to the mix. In short, it points to order versus chaos. This will play in all areas: the economy, social and racial concerns, even the world order.

All Our Saints Are Here

When the voices of evil are dominant, as they will be in 2025, the voices of reason and love rise up. These are the voices of our saints, and there will be many - some young, some old - all seeking to protect us and the planet we call home. You can expect their voices to multiply throughout the year.

Here is what to expect.

How will it affect you?

Every one of us will be affected, but some far more and far earlier than others. This is a time when the less fortunate are more vulnerable than ever. Their suffering should bring out the best in us.



See what 2025 has in store for You

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