2013 Numerology Forecast

2013 - A 6 Universal Year

In a nutshell, the 6 is a loving, caring, responsible, warm, humane, compassionate number that directs most of its energy to small closely-knit groups; family, community, friends. The ties that bind us bind us even closer during a 6 year.

But it has its drawbacks. It tends to be overly protective and therefore also divisive (us versus them). It has difficulty being objective, tends to meddle in other people's affairs, and is gullible in all the wrong ways. In a personal numerology chart the 6 is mostly positive as it tends to get along with all other numbers, even with the two that are most contrary to the 6, namely the 5 and 7.

we are in a nine-year cycle from 2008 through 2017, that is dramatically different from any that have gone before.

6 BASED ON 2013

However, this particular 6 is based on the number 2013, thereby putting some emphasis on the negative qualities of the 1 and the 2. Individuality, drive, and independence are the main attributes of the 1, while cooperation and diplomacy are the most important traits of the 2. We can therefore expect some diminishing of those qualities. People may feel their independence is being threatened. We will see less tolerance to opposing opinions and a foot-in-mouth epidemic among politicians. In other words, nothing we aren't already used to, just more of the same.

On the other hand, the number 2013 promotes the positive qualities of the 3, the 4, and the 7 (using the same calculation method of The Diamond, in case you are interested in the math behind these numbers). The enhanced communication and creativity of the 3 may translate into an rising interest in art (good for collectors and investors). The discipline and control typical of the 4 could be good for the economy. The spiritual integrity and rational aptitude of the 7 may lift our collective common sense up a bit (perhaps the most promising of the aforementioned positives). But let's not forget the larger picture.


In previous yearly numerology forecasts I have explained that we are in a nine-year cycle from 2008 through 2017, that is dramatically different from any that have gone before. This is difficult to see, because like the hands of a clock, we don't recognize the changes until we step back a little. But when we do, it's clear to see that the schism is becoming extreme on all fronts; religious, economical, political, social, and environmental. It's a "divide and conquer" strategy, except that no one is conquering anything. We are doing it to ourselves and it's not doing us any good.

For the first time in history this observable fact is truly global. Everyone is and will be affected by the force of separation that seems to push us as apart like particles in a vacuum. (A number of scriptures, including the Bible, also point to this - which makes me wonder if it was avoidable to begin with.)

Perhaps the most obvious and telling aspect of what appears to be an approaching critical mass experience for mankind is technology. Just as technology is growing ever faster at a feverish pitch with inventions becoming obsolete quicker than we can get used to them - technology acting basically like a snake eating itself starting with its own tail - so is everything else also snowballing out of control. I don't think it's all that outrageous a statement to say that the incredibly precise and orderly foundation of science and technology could eventually drive us towards chaos if we don't find a way to put the brakes on our self-destructive side. A nuclear holocaust, global warming, greed-driven genetic screw-ups in the food chain, these are by no means impossible scenarios. But we are also perfectly capable of saving ourselves from those threats. We are, after all, the ones responsible for getting us here in the first place.


Within this nine-year cycle from 2008 through 2017, the 6 year puts us over the hump and things start to accelerate. Expect strange, senseless events, especially in the political and religious arenas. (And by strange, I mean truly weird and unfathomable madness.) Mother Nature continues to show us her angry side. Not her fault, our arrogance and ignorance need to be offset by common sense and respect, and sooner rather than later. But most of all, keep your eyes on events globally and recognize that the world is getting smaller and smaller. Not so much because we can fly from one side to the other in a matter of hours, but because events on one side of the planet have a more powerful effect on the other side, as everything is becoming more and more intertwined. This also has a positive side. Economies are becoming dependent upon each other to such an extent that any disruption is damaging to us all. When wars become bad for business, we may actually start to rely more on diplomacy and less on bombs. Peace by necessity, so to speak, and that's fine. I'm sure most of us will take peace any way we can get it.

But there is an even larger picture.

The first millennium, from the year 1 to the year 999, produced a diversity of people symbolized in the fact that no single digit was shared among all birth dates for more than a hundred years at a time. This reflected the localized nature of our existence, not just as far as location, but also in the timeline of our evolutionary growth as a race or a country. We were not connected in any way, what happened on one continent generally did not affect the people on another continent at all.


The next millennium, from the year 1000 to 1999, saw every person with at least one "1" in their birthdates. This may seem insignificant, but it isn't - no less insignificant than adding salt to cooking; the amount may be very small, it's influence is major. As I mentioned earlier, the 1 is individuality and independence, and that has been a visible aspect of our evolution over the past thousand years. Whether in religion, philosophy, politics, or any other field, we have, as individuals, been greatly empowered. If there is one quality that stands out as an evolutionary achievement over the last millennium, it is our independence, personal freedom, and respect for individuality - a tiny minority of religious zealots and intellectual Neanderthals notwithstanding.

Thirteen years ago we entered a millennium in which every human being born will have at least one "2" in their date of birth. Again, not insignificant by any means. The 2 reflects tact, sensitivity, diplomacy, brother/sisterhood, cooperation, tolerance, and intuition. It is the peacemaker and a powerful feminine number. This will become our next most defining evolutionary achievement; absorbing the growing presence of the 2's positive attributes. Not the least of which are peace and tolerance; the ultimate expressions of freedom.

Hence my optimistic view of the long-term future. It is the short-term that worries me.

For the coming year, I foresee more chaos and upheaval, caused in large part by misunderstanding, intolerance, and that growing separation that can be seen as the previous millennium's final death throws. (Just as the first few decades following the year 1000 were full of turmoil.)

Mankind as a whole has many flaws, but it also has great potential and that potential is released at an increasing pace too, like everything else.

Transitions take time and the longer the cycle, the longer the transition. It seems clear though, that over the last several decades, starting perhaps after WWII, as we are making the shift from a thousand years dominated by the 1, to a thousand years with the 2 taking over, our metamorphosis is like a powerful spiraling energy changing direction; chaos and turbulence for a time, until we settle on our new direction. Towards peace, as it sneaks up on us one person at a time, one heart at a time.

It's the only way.

See also 2010 and 2011 Numerology Forecasts

The Mayan Angst; 2012 prediction

Mayan Calendar

2015 Numerology Forecast

2017 Solar Eclipse

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