8172635 911 194817 263 7 33644 22


LIFE PATH number meanings and Calculator

Find Your Life Path Number

Your Life Path is represented by the two concentric circles.
Numerologist Hans Decoz

Your Life Path is the Most Important Number In Your Chart. Learn it's meaning.


It offers insights into your personality traits, strengths, challenges, potential opportunities in life, and much more.

You took your first step on your Life Path as you entered the physical realm, untouched by this world, not yet influenced, not yet inhibited, free of concepts, expectations, and self-consciousness.

But, even at the moment of your birth, you were a person with your own unique character, as unique as your DNA. Everything that is you existed in potential, much like a play that is about to begin.

In this play, you have the freedom to live your life as you like – to fulfill its potential completely, or to make some smaller version of yourself. You make the decisions that affect the potential that exists within you through your commitment and effort.

Watch a video about the Life Path, with Hans Decoz



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The Path You Chose


The Life Path number sets the direction of your life. However, the effect of this number is not always well-understood.

Most numerology enthusiasts, even professional numerologists, consider the Life Path to be unchanging, like a zodiac sign, but that is not the case. As with all numbers derived from your date of birth, it has to do with the momentum of your life; it lays out your personal evolutionary path and is therefore dynamic; its influence on you changes as you change because of your life experiences.

Your Life Path is a cycle; the longest cycle in your chart, as it begins the day you step into this world and lasts until you leave.


Your Life Path reveals your highest potential


You are not placed on your Life Path without the talents and tools you need to realize your potential; it gives you a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, and lessons you will encounter in this lifetime.


There are three way to calculate your Life Path number; only one is correct.


We will show the correct method first. Examples of incorrect (but unfortunately commonly used) methods are shown further below. You can also use our Numerology Chart Calculator and get a complete list of all your numbers.

Follow these steps to calculate your Life Path.

  1. We reduce each unit (month/day/year) of the birth date to a single-digit, or a Master Number. The Master Numbers are 11, 22, and 33, and they are never reduced during the calculation of a Life Path number.

  2. Next, we add each of the resulting digits together and reduce the total again to a single-digit.

    This age-old numerology method is based on the concept that your Life Path is based on your three Period Cycles. Therefore, in order to calculate your Life Path number, you actually calculate your Period Cycles first.

    Your three Period Cycles are based on your month, day, and year of birth, and represent the early, middle, and later part of your life respectively.

    Your complete life's cycle — your Life Path — has all the attributes reflected in the Life Path's number. However, the Life Path is influenced by the properties and traits of the Period Cycles. This is the reason the Life Path must be calculated based on the Period Ccyles.


Example: August 12, 1990:

  1. August is the 8th month - the 8 doesn't need to be reduced.

  2. The day of birth is 12. We reduce 12 to 3 by adding 1 + 2=3

  3. The year of birth is 1990. We reduce 1990 by adding 1 + 9 + 9 + 0=19. Then we add 1 + 9=10, and continue by adding 1 + 0=1. The year 1990 reduces to 1.

  4. We now add the resulting single digits: (month) 8 + (day) 3 + (year) 1. Total is 12, which we reduce to 3 (1 + 2=3). The Life Path number in this example is 3.


Another example: November 22, 1983

  1. November is the 11th month. The 11 is a Master number and is not reduced.

  2. The 22nd day and the 22 is also a Master number and is therefore not reduced

  3. The year 1983 reduces to 12 (1+9+8+3=21), which reduces to 3.

  4. month=11, day=22, year=3. Total is 36. We reduce 36 to 9. The Life Path is 9


How NOT to Calculate Life Path Numbers!


The double-digit numbers you encounter during your calculations are important, because they reveal whether you have a Master Number, or a Karmic Debt number.

They give more insight into the meaning of your Life Path. Therefore, the calculation method must be done correctly or you may miss a Master number or Karmic Debt number.


Simply adding the numbers in your date of birth as they appear is incorrect.


For example, calculating October 15, 1998, by simply adding 1+0+1+5+1+9+9+8=34=7, would result in a 7 based on 34, which is incorrect.

Similarly, adding the units of the date of birth and then reducing the total is also incorrect. In our example of October 15, 1998, that would be 10+15+1998=2023=7. Again, although the final single digit is correct, the double-digit numbers associated with it are wrong.

The correct method for October 15, 1998: October reduces to 1, the day 15 reduces to 6, and the year 1998 reduces to 27, which in turn reduces to 9. Your number is therefore 1 + 6 + 9=16, which reduces to 7. Notice that only this method revealed the presence of a 16 Karmic Debt number.

Learn about other fundamentals of numerology here...


The Meaning of Your Life Path Number


Below are in-depth descriptions of all possible numbers. Notice that we include the Master numbers, as well as Karmic Debt numbers

Use our Numerology Chart Calculator to verify your numbers - it's free, and use can use it as often as you wish.


Life Path 1
You're a natural leader, valuing independence and determination. Once committed, nothing deters you from your goals, assuming responsibility for loved ones.
Read more about the 1 Life Path


Life Path 2
You're a peacemaker with an artistic soul, sensitive and perceptive.
Read more about the 2 Life Path


Life Path 3
You're exceptionally creative and expressive, a natural in the arts. Wit and charm make you the life of the party, but discipline is key to developing your talents.
Read more about the 3 Life Path


Life Path 4
You're practical, methodical, and committed, preferring hard work over shortcuts.
Read more about the 4 Life Path


Life Path 5
Your personality thrives on freedom, seeking adventure and variety. You're curious and outgoing, making friends easily with your inspiring demeanor.
Read more about the 5 Life Path


Life Path 6
Your Life Path reveals your compassionate nature, driven to serve others. Your task is to balance help with respect for others' experiences.
Read more about the 6 Life Path


Life Path 7
Life Path 7 individuals are spiritual seekers, devoted to unraveling life's mysteries. With analytical minds and deep concentration, they excel in research and problem-solving.
Read more about the 7 Life Path


Life Path 8
Those with an 8 Life Path are natural leaders with a knack for accumulating wealth. Their management skills shine in business and finance.
Read more about the 8 Life Path


Life Path 9
Life Path 9 people are philanthropic and idealistic, striving for a better world through sacrifice and compassion. They see the big picture and attract diverse people to their causes.
Read more about the 9 Life Path

Life Path numbers with a Master number

Life Path 11
Life Path 11 individuals are sources of inspiration with high energy and intuition. Often misunderstood, they may feel shy but naturally galvanize situations, inspiring others effortlessly.
Read more about the 11 Life Path


Life Path 22
A 22 Life Path offers the extremes of life's possibilities, the potential to be the Master Builder, the person capable of perceiving something great, or they can slip into the depths of obscurity.
Read more about the 22 Life Path


Life Path 33
Those with a Life Path 33 have great potential; some of our most enlightened teachers never saw the inside of a temple or a church. In fact, most were considered heretics and unbelievers.
Read more about the 33 Life Path

Life Path numbers with a Karmic Debt number

Life Path 13
Life Path 13 individuals tend to be precise, tenacious and persevering. They have great potential for success, but only after putting out effort and overcoming the limitations they so often encounter.
Read more about the 13 Life Path

Life Path 14
If you have a 14 Life Path, you like change, new things and new horizons. You make friends easily, your personality is upbeat and often inspiring attracting people from all walks of life.
Read more about the 14 Life Path

Life Path 16
Life Path 16 people are devoted to investigations into the unknown and finding the answers to the mysteries of life.
Read more about the 16 Life Path

Life Path 19
Those with a Life Path 19 have drive and determination. They don't let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal.
Read more about the 19 Life Path
